Naturopathic Doctor, Naturopathic Practitioner, and Naturopath, all describe a Holistic Doctor. Holistic Doctor’s offer a variety of naturopathic/naturopathy services, as well as chiropractic and acupuncture services. Dr. Vernon Jenkins has 35 years experience as a Holistic Doctor!
What describes a Holistic Doctor?
Part VI: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop the Epidemic of Thyroid Madness
As a naturopath and naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Jenkins has his patients take a dietary survey once a week in order to evaluate the foods his patients are consuming. Certain foods and chemicals negatively affect the thyroid’s health and function. These substances include soy, millet, chloride, bromide, soda pop, and refined grains.
Part V: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop the Epidemic of Thyroid Madness
Besides iodine, the thyroid needs specific nutrients in order to be healthy and function optimally. These nutrients include high quality protein, B12, magnesium, and zinc to produce TSH; iodine, B2, and vitamin C to produce T4; and vitamin A & D to activate cell receptors to receive T3. Commonly found in thyroid patients are low iron levels due to low stomach acid that causes a decline in red blood cell levels and results in an excess of T4 to pool in the blood. This excess T4 requires an excess amount of reverse T3 to help rid the blood of the excess T4. As a naturopathic practitioner and naturopath, Dr. Jenkins recommends his patients to do a SpectraCell lab test which analyses your blood for 35 nutritional components including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids.
Part IV: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop The Epidemic of Thyroid Madness
As a naturopath and naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Jenkins regularly checks for high estrogen levels in his patients with thyroid problems. Excess estrogens increases the levels of TBG (thyroid binding globulin) which is where a protein binds to to the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 and causes them to be inactive. In order for the T4 and T3 to become active, the protein needs to be cleaved from them in order to produce Free T4 and Free T3 which are biologically active. When a person’s estrogen is dominant, it causes the liver to produce high levels of TBG. High levels of TBG decreases the levels of Free T4 and Free T3, leading to hypothyroidism. Dr. Jenkins recommends that his patients perform a Salivary Hormone Test to determine the estrogen levels. The test can be done in the convenience and privacy of your own home by collecting one vial of saliva.
Remember to Hydrate This Summer
As a naturopath and naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Jenkins wants to remind you to stay well hydrated this summer by drinking plenty of ionized alkaline water. To find out how much water you need, take your weight and divide it in half. That’s how many ounces of water your body needs daily. If you’re exercising and drinking caffeinated beverages, you’ll need to drink even more water to replenish your body’s needs in order to keep yourself from becoming dehydrated. Ionized alkaline water is extremely hydrating. It’s 16 times more hydrating than tap water or bottled water. Keeping well hydrated keeps you from aging faster and helps with weight loss. When babies are first born, they’re 90% water. By the time they become an adolescent, their body water percentage is 60%. Read more »
Part III: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop the Epidemic Of Thyroid Madness
As a naturopath, naturopathic practitioner, and functional Medicine Doctor, Dr. Jenkins knows that cortisol levels can greatly effect thyroid function and health. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands when a person is experiencing stress. Increased levels of cortisol can block the conversion of the thyroid hormones T4 to T3, which will cause hypothyroidism. Decreased levels of cortisol can also cause hypothyroidism by closing the door to cell receptors of the thyroid hormones due to low levels of blood glucose levels (known as hypoglycemia). Too little or too much cortisol can cause hyperthyroidism. How many thyroids have been surgically removed or destroyed by radiation treatments because doctors failed to recognize the effects of cortisol on the thyroid gland? Read more »
Part II: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop the Epidemic of Thyroid Madness
As a naturopath and naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Jenkins has his patients perform an iodine patch test, which is inexpensive and easy to do in the convenience of your own home. Iodine is critical for the thyroid to be healthy and function optimally. This test gives an indication if your body is deficient in iodine. If you’re deficient in iodine, Dr. Jenkins will prescribe an iodine supplement that the body and thyroid needs for optimal health and functionality. Did you know that the synthetic T4 your doctor prescribes actually depletes your body’s iodine levels?
Part 1: Performing the Correct Tests Will Stop the Epidemic of Thyroid Madness
As a naturopath and naturopathic practitioner, Dr. Jenkins specializes in thyroid problems. Most doctors only order a TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) test to evaluate the function and health of the thyroid gland. There is more to thyroid health and function than just determining TSH levels. It’s a starting point but it doesn’t give the doctor the full and complete picture of the thyroid’s health and function. Doctors rarely take into consideration a person’s iodine level, their cortisol levels, their estrogen levels, their specific nutrient levels, and their specific dietary food intake. All of these factors significantly influence the thyroid’s health and function. If you don’t take these factors into consideration, it doesn’t matter how much thyroid medication you’re prescribed. Read more »
5 Reasons You Should See a Chiropractor
There are many different reasons why people seek chiropractic care. Though some think that a chiropractor only helps those who have spinal injuries or chronic conditions that affect their posture or range of motion, a good chiropractor can actually help you maintain and improve your overall health. Keep reading to see the five reasons why you should see a chiropractor for a chiropractic adjustment… Read more »
Holistic Medicine: Natural Treatment for Restoring Health
Do you ever feel like your body is out of balance? Do you seek medical help only to find yourself riddled with pills that alleviate some of your symptoms, but lead to almost as many side effects? Do you have aches and pains that aren’t debilitating, but sure aren’t pleasant? Traditional medicine would tell you to use heat pads and take pain relief pills as necessary, and not to bother consulting a doctor. Life isn’t meant to be lived feeling out of sync or to accept unexplained discomfort as a normal part of your day. This is where traditional medicine will fail you, while holistic medicine seeks to improve the condition of the individual as a whole. Read more »